ইমেল মার্কেটিং কোর্স By Mahbub Osmane
ইমেল মার্কেটিং কি এবং কেন করবেন ইমেল মার্কেটিং? ইমেল মার্কেটিং এর সুবিধা সমূহঃ
- একটি প্রফেশনাল ইমেল, নিজের সার্টিফিকেট/রিজুমি/সিভির নাম দিয়ে,
- প্রতিদিন ইমেল চেক করবেন
- ভালো ব্লগে সাবস্ক্রাইব করে রাখবেন।
- Webmail ব্যাবহার করার ট্রাই করবেন। contact@mahbubosmane.com / hi@mahbubosmane.com / info@bytecodesoft.com
- ইমেল যত ছোট রাখা যায় ততো ভালো, payment@bpoengine.com / pay@bytecodesoft.com
- ইমেল করার সময় “সাবজেক্ট” “টাইটেল” ইমেল বডি সহ সব ইনফো দিবেন।
ইমেল মার্কেটিং ম্যাকানিজমটা কি কি ভাবে কাজে লাগতে পারে, তার বিস্তারিতঃ
তাহলে ইমেইল মারকেটিং কিভাবে এখানে প্রভাব সৃষ্টি করতে পারে?
Get Best Email Marketing Service That Generate Sales
How to grow your mailing list/ How to collect Email List?
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kGFdetN9iI, site:us.linkedin.com/in/ OR site:us.linkedin.com/pub/ “gmail.com” OR “yahoo.com” OR “ymail.com” or “hotmal.com” OR “msn.com” OR “aol.com” OR “mail.com” OR “mac.com” OR “verizon.com” “web design” OR “web designer” OR “web developer” or “graphic design” or “graphic designer” or “Business Developer” or “CEO”
site:us.linkedin.com/in/ gmail.com” OR “yahoo.com” OR “ymail.com” OR “hotmal.com” OR “msn.com” OR “aol.com” OR “mail.com” OR “mac.com” OR “verizon.com” “CTO”
- কিনতে হলে এই লিংকটা দেখতে পারেনঃ https://serversmtp.com/en/cart.php ( কোন এফিলিয়েট লিংক নয় )
- Growing an email list is one of the pain points for most ecommerce marketers. Everyone is looking for innovative and, at the same, most effective ways to build the list faster.
- These email resources cover the following topics: lead magnets, pop-ups, exit-intent forms, giveaways, list building on social networks, etc.
- গুগুলে সার্চ করে বের করতে পারবো।
7. Email List Building: 9 Proven Methods from Scratch in 2021 – This article covers the basics of customer data capturing and provides a bunch of good examples.
8. 30 Exit-Intent Popup Examples & Best Practices for Small Online Businesses – does a 12.7% signup rate look like a dream? Learn how to make it come true.
9. How to Create High-Converting Ecommerce Landing Pages (+ 8 Examples) by Bigcommerce – a comprehensive article about landing pages: what, why, and how to make them high-performing tools.
10. How to Grow Your Email List: 80+ Proven and Simple Ways – this article contains a lot of good examples of signup forms.
11. 9 Quick Ways To Grow Your Email List Using Social Media – Have you ever considered combining social media with your email marketing?
12. How to Grow Your Email List with Instagram – An easy-to-read guide about how to make use of your Instagram account in order to grow an email list.
13.Learn Email Marketing: Everything from List Building to Advanced Lifecycle Automation by Shopify. This is a must-read email marketing resource that helps us see the big picture.
How to get your newsletter opened
Email open rate mostly depends on the subject line, mailing frequency, and the credibility of the sender. At Omnisend, we put a lot of effort into understanding and examining the subject line topic. You can find a lot of interesting and useful things in the following resources.
14. The Best Email Subject Lines: The Ultimate Guide + 515 Examples–the ultimate guide to subject lines in ecommerce, best-performing formulas, action words–all in one place.
15. The Secret Power of Email Preheader: DOs and DON’Ts by Omnisend. Preheaders are very powerful. Learn how to use them right.
16. Emojis for Email Subject Lines: Pros, Cons, and Tips The article reveals the most popular and the most effective ways to use emojis to boost open rates.
17. How to Write Email Subject Lines That Will Increase Your Open Rate By 203% – Neil Patel shares his experience on how to increase email open rates. Solutions include timing, curiosity, and more.
How to increase online sales with email marketing
When it comes to email marketing performance, there are a few different variables that can make or break your success: starting from the right email service provider and ending with email layout, targeting, and marketing gamification tricks. These are the best marketing resources to learn about these things.
18. Why Choosing an Ecommerce-First Email Provider Matters – choosing the right ESP can be one of the main factors that will empower your business to start generating sales and “printing money”. This paper will help you figure out: how an email marketing provider and ecommerce platform should integrate, the most important ecommerce features, and key questions when it comes to customer support, etc.
19. How to Get Started with eCommerce Email Marketing Automation by Ron Dod, the digital marketing guru from Visiture. This is a 101 guide to marketing automation.
20. 4 Must-have Workflows Every Retailer Needs. Even if you’re sending automated messages, chances are you’re leaving money on the table. 75% of marketers claim they use automated email marketing, yet many fail to utilize automated messages to their full potential. Learn more about how to stand out and differentiate from the competition.
21. How to Insert a GIF into an Email: The Full Guide. What is a GIF? Why use a GIF in email? What are the pros and cons of using animated images in email? These and other questions are answered in this blog post.
22. How Gamification Marketing Can Increase Your Ecommerce Sales. Emails with gamification elements get 74% better engagement. Learn about how to add them to your campaign!
23. Promotional newsletter designs by Really Good Emails. This is an awesome resource to look for inspiration. This site collects and hand-picks beautiful newsletter designs all over the ecommerce field.
24. 5 Simple Customer Segments Every Retailer Should Use – The following retail customer email segmentation examples can be used for both one-off campaigns and automated messages. Learn how to easily make more money!
25. How to Use Omnichannel Marketing to Drive Customer Retention – Greg Zakowicz shares the power of omnichannel marketing and the relationships it builds with customers.
How to save your newsletter from SPAM filters
These email marketing resources cover the following topics: email spam filters, email blacklists, email deliverability, etc. At Omnisend, we have a dedicated email deliverability team that analyzes and provides professional support to our customers to go through a smooth IP warm-up process and set up the floor for excellent email deliverability.
26. Email List Cleaning – Give Your Email Marketing a Fresh Start. This article covers the process of sunsetting inactive email addresses, best practices of revamping your contact list for marketing activities.
27. How to Avoid Spam Filters When Sending Ecommerce Emails. This article covers spam laws, explains how spam filters work, and what to do to avoid them. A short and actionable article that covers everything you need to know about how to protect your emails from going to SPAM.
The legal side of email marketing
These email marketing resources cover the following topics: GDPR, CAN-SPAM, double opt-in, international laws that email marketers should be aware of, etc.
29. GDPR Compliance for Email Marketing – This resource about GDPR is very clear, up-to-date, and straightforward.
30. Understanding Email Laws and Regulations – a comprehensive guide by Campaign Monitor.
31. Double Opt-In vs. Single Opt-In: Which Is Better for Conversions? – a resource for better understanding, why and when you need to use double opt-in.
A bunch of uncategorized email marketing resources that did not fit any other category.
32. Cold email is not spam: Here is the complete guide on cold email that you can refer to.
33. Email Marketing pre-launch Checklist, found on Email Monday. This list will help you successfully launch your email marketing campaigns, prevent common mistakes, and manage email campaigns more effectively.
34. How to Calculate Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) by Whitney Blankenship at Omnisend. CLV is one of the most important metrics you can track for ecommerce. In this piece, Whitney explains the CLV formula, how to calculate CLV for ecommerce, and some strategies for improving your CLV.
কিভাবে স্টেপ বাই স্টেপ ইমেল মার্কেটিং কাজ শুরু করবেন
এক ভিডিওতে সব দেখতে চাইলে এটা দেখুনঃ https://youtu.be/9i_WVm5LPSc অথবাঃ MailChimp এর অফিশিয়াল চ্যানেল দেখুনঃ https://www.youtube.com/c/MailChimp/videos
00:00 Introduction 02:05 Sign Up 05:55 Homepage 08:20 Audience (Homepage) 10:20 Add Subscriber (Audience) 11:43 Audience Dashboard 11:57 Import Contacts 12:45 Create an Email 16:13 Design Email Content 18:08 Email Theme/Template 26:03 Email Options 27:12 Email Triggers 28:00 Welcome Subscriber Campaign 28:47 Sign Up (Landing Page) 33:08 Sign Up (Integrated Form) 36:12 Website (Mailchimp Subdomain) 37:26 Survey 38:08 Campaign List 38:35 Reports 39:19 Account 40:41 Goodnight LMAO
1. Mailchimp সাইন আপ করে নিন, সাইন আপ করার নিয়ম দেখতে এই লিংক https://mailchimp.com/help/create-an-account/ ভিজিট করুন অথবা এই ভিডিও https://youtu.be/IWeCs6oNeks or https://youtu.be/JHy4dZUeM0k দেখুন।
2. কিভাবে WORDPRESS সাইটে মেইলচিম্প কনফিগার করবেন? https://mailchimp.com/help/connect-or-disconnect-list-subscribe-for-wordpress/ অথবা এই ভিডিও https://youtu.be/jczMGSBthEo দেখুন। এই রকম [mc4wp_form id=”24880″] একটা কোড পাবেন, যেখানে আপনি ফরমটি দিতে চান, থার্ড ব্র্যাকেট সহ এই কোডটি বসাতে হবে, ।
3. কিভাবে একটি সাইন আপ ফর্ম ও পপ আপ তৈরি করতে হয়? এই টিউটোরিয়ালটি দেখতে পারেনঃ https://youtu.be/hYMaQmYaSv0
4. কিভাবে একটি ইমেইল ডিজাইন করতে হয়? এই ভিডিওটি দেখতে পারেনঃ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvooFty9O7I
With a little bit of practice, you will be able to design more professional emails/newsletters for your business. It is a one-time skill-developing skill so learn it and do it yourself, If you feel like it is not possible for you then hire someone from Fiverr.
5. কিভাবে একটি ইমেইল ক্যাম্পেইন সেন্ড করতে হয়? How to Send Your Mailchimp Email Marketing Campaign? এই ভিডিওটিদেখতে পারেন: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=If6Se6J1cJ4 (Mailchimp Official Video )
৬। আর.এস.এস ড্রিভেন কাম্পেইন বা auto blog broadcast ইমেইল কিভাবে সেটাপ করতে হয়। How to Send out Automatic Blog Updates with MailChimp’s RSS Campaign
৭। ইমেইল মার্কেটিং রিপোর্ট কিভাবে দেখতে হয়।
৮ ল্যান্ডিং পেইজ তৈরি করাঃ
৯। সিরিজ ইমেইল কিভাবে সেট করতে হয়;
১০। ডোমেইন কিভাবে ভেরিফাই করবেন,
- Creating a Contact Management and Segmentation Strategy
- Sending the Right Email
- Creating a High-Performing Email
- Understanding Email Deliverability
- Outlining the Design of Your Marketing Emails
- Analyzing Your Marketing Emails
- Testing Your Marketing Emails
- Developing Relationships With Lead Nurturing
Important FAQ About Email Marketing
What is a drip campaign?
An email drip campaign is a form of automated sales outreach. It’s composed of a series of emails automatically sent to a specific audience after they take a specific action. For example, if a lead downloads a whitepaper on recruiting best practices, they might be placed in a drip campaign sharing relevant recruiting content. The final email might include a CTA to request a demo for your recruiting software.
You can make a drip campaign for anything: to nurture a freemium customer, to convert a blog subscriber, or to deliver relevant content to leads from a certain industry. There are no limits to the type of campaign you can create, although there are a few common types. I go over them below.
Types of Drip Campaigns:
- Onboarding Drip Campaign
- Retargeting Drip Campaign
- Post-Demo Campaign
- Learn More: https://blog.hubspot.com/sales/drip-emails-opens
Sales Followup Email Sample?
Ans: https://www.hubspot.com/sales/sales-follow-up-email
ওয়ান ড্রিপ ইমেল মার্কেটিং ইন্টারভিউ স্যাম্পল অফ মি।
Sub 01: Get ergonomic school and office furniture from 100 years of the experienced multinational company.
Sub 02: Do you need ergonomic school and office furniture? Deutsch Fabriken is here to solve your furniture porblems.
Hi Pias Khan,
My name is Mahbub, and I’m the founder of Deutsch Fabriken, a Germany-based multinational firm with over 100 years of expertise producing ergonomic school and office furniture.
We produce all your necessary ergonomic school and office furniture, We make sure following things when we make furniture:
1. Health and safety
2. Ergonomics
3. Mobility and functionality
4. Aftercare and servicing
5. Value for money
6. Durability and strength
7. Fit-for-purpose
Deutsch Fabriken is a leading supplier of school and office furniture in the Boston area. We have supplied furniture to over 60 educational institutions and offices across the country and our products speak for themselves. Feel free to contact us with any queries about purchasing furniture for your school, college, or office!
What would be the best way to get 15 minutes on your calendar to explore if this would be valuable to IDC School?
Pias Khan
Sub 01: How can we improve your school or office furniture?
Sub 02: 7 facilities to see before buying school or office furniture
Hi Pias Khan,
Hope you are doing well, I have exciting news for you. This month Deutsch Fabriken’s successfully partnered with prominent Boston architectural firm, AD Associates & K-12 STEM Academy. Deutsch Fabriken provided all of the furnishings, which include ergonomic sit-to-stand desks specifically designed for growing children, their signature ‘wobbly’ stools that are designed to help young students focus, and innovative modular storage solutions in each classroom.
I’m sure improving your team’s & student’s productivity is a top priority for you. I thought I’d send you “7 facilities to see before buying school or office furniture” (www.deutschfabriken.com/7-facilities-to-see-before-buying-school-or-office-furniture) for you to review.
If you’d like any additional information about {How can we improve your school or office furniture?], I’d be more than happy to have a quick chat over the phone.
Just let me know if you have any questions or would like to have a more in-depth conversation. I’m here whenever you need me.
Mahbub Osmane
Title: Grow Your Sales & Client Base With Data-Driven Digital Marketing Service
Hi There,
I have been working as a 360″ digital marketer (Social, SEO, Paid, Organic, PR) you can check it https://mahbubosmane.com/about
I have
– Manage and execute 360 degree marketing campaigns for B2B products ( https://mahbubosmane.com/products ) / services ( https://mahbubosmane.com/services/ ) (bytecodesoft.com, mahbubosmane.com & bpoengine.com )
– I can execute from creative to full execution
– I can Manage 360-degree programs (digital ads, https://mahbubosmane.com/adwords-clients/ and https://mahbubosmane.com/facebook-ad-clients/ growth hack, SMS, email, database development, forums, coupons, etc)
– I am able to Launch a series of press releases, supported with press direct outreach and influencer campaign
– I can do work for n95 masks and medical supplies as now I am working for http://hasanatalamgir.net/
Let’s have a voice/video call.
এখনো আপনার মনে কোন প্রশ্ন আছে? অথবা আমাদের থেকে কল পেতে চান?
তাহলে নিচের ফরমটি পুরন করুন, আমরা আপনার সাথে যোগাযোগ করবো, ইংশাআল্লাহ! আপনি আমাদেরকে ০১৭১৬ ৯৮৮ ৯৫৩ / ০১৯১২ ৯৬৬ ৪৪৮ এই নাম্বারে কল করতে পারেন, অথবা ইমেল করতে পারেন hi@mahbubosmane.com এই ইমেলে, আমরা আপনাকে কোনভাবে সাহায্য করতে পারলে খুশি হব, ধন্যবাদ ।
মাহবুবওসমানী.কম এর সার্ভিস সমূহঃ
- ডিজিটাল মার্কেটিং
- এসইও ও এসএমএম
- কন্টেন্ট রাইটিং
- ওয়েব ডেভেলাপমেন্ট
- গ্রাফিক ডিজাইন
- এফিলিয়েট ওয়েবসাইট
- ব্রান্ড প্রোমোশন
- অন্যান্য সার্ভিস
- কোর্স সমূহ